We, at Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) will review all possible computerized astrological profiles and forecasts.
We will review what you get for the online astrological reports.
We will tell you how much it costs and what you may expect.
Are these reports and forecasts useful? Do they hit the nail?
There are numerous online-sellers of such astrological profiles, ranging from free services to payed reports making it difficult for the consumer to choose a valuable report.
After all, you want a content-rich report with valuable and reliable information.
We, at Cosmic Technologies, will tell you what astrological profiles are the best.
We will review and rate most astrological profiles and forecasts to inform you, to warn you too and to let you choose the best reports available.
So, on this web site you will only find reviews that are connected with astrological profiles providing future predictions, forecasts, decision-taking etc...
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What do we review?
All astrological profiles and forecasts get a rating, ranging from 1 star (not recommended) to 5 stars (highly recommended).
Astrological Profiles from Soothsayers-India What did we order? Yearly Report (Varsha Phal) What did it cost? $36.00 + $7.56 taxes = total cost of $43.56 What did we get? (...) Exactly 7 days after we placed our order, we got two e-mails (...) The Yearly Report is divided into 6 sections (...) The Report is in-depth and is as much as possible written in "plain English." The Himalayan Ashram of Vedic Astrologers have done a marvelous job (...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() |
Astrological Profiles from AstrologyForecasts.com |
Astrological Profiles from Kozmik What did we order? The Year Ahead Forecast What did it cost? $50.00 + $10.50 taxes = total cost of $60.50 What did we get? (...)The overall picture for the year is a very brief and generalized chapter containing two short paragraphs and delineating the progressed horoscope. The next chapter delineates the position of the outer transiting planets (Jupiter to Pluto) in your natal houses. The delineations are short but astonishing accurate. (...) To conclude, this is not a huge report. CosmiTec's rating: ![]() |
Astrological Profiles from Astrology iVillage
What did we order? The One Year Planetary Review What did it cost? $9.95 (with a known birth date) What did we get? (...) The Review describes the current and approaching astrological trends in your life. Day-to-day aspects are disregarded in favor of a broader view. The interpretations are given of the transiting outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) aspecting the natal planets and entering the natal houses as well. (...) By analyzing the contacts (aspects) of the outer planets to your natal planets and houses, you get the bigger picture of the unfolding year, the major themes that hold your future.(...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() What did we order? The Destiny and Decision Forecast What did it cost? $9.95 (1 month Forecast with a known birth date) What did we get? (...) The Forecast contains 12 pages in HTML-format. The text is Copyright by Riley Goodwin and Astrodienst AG, Switzerland. This report predicts where the planets are in the current time period, when they will be forming aspects to your natal planets, what influences these aspects bring, and how long they will last -- as far into the future as you wish to look.(...) From an astrological point then, the report starts describing the aspects made by the transiting planets (Sun thru Pluto, without the Moon) to your natal planets. Planets entering the houses are interpreted too. (...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() What did we order? One Year Day-by-Day Future Forecast What did it cost? $34.95 (12 Month Forecast with a known birth date) What did we get? (...) All of the major astrological influences (major aspects of the transiting planets -- except the Moon) on a given day are determined. If there is no major aspect, a minor aspect or lunar transit is interpreted. The Forecast is so big because it lists all 360 days counting from the starting date you can choose when ordering the Forecast. (...) The interpretations are well-written and most insightful. We were quite impressed because we found the delineations most to-the-point and on target. We followed the listing day by day and were really amazed how accurate this Day-by-Day Forecast is (...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() What did we order? Solar Return What did it cost? $14.95 (with a known birth date) What did we get? (...) The Solar Return Forecast contains 31 pages in HTML-format and delineates the most dominant element in the Solar return, as well as the position of the Solar return planets in the Solar return houses and the planetary aspects. (...) When delineating the planetary positions, this Forecast sums up all possibilities in which the planets may work out. It's a general Forecast that delivers some insightful delineations, but often misses the point too. We know that delineating Solar Returns is not easy and this Forecast Report just confirms this. CosmiTec's rating: ![]() ![]() What did we order? Happy Birthday: Solar Return, One Year Day-by-Day Future Forecast What did it cost? $29.95 instead of $49.95 (with a known birth date) What did we get? (...) This Report bundles the Solar Return Forecast and the One Year Day-by-Day Future Forecast. All together these Reports contain more than 100 pages in HTML-format. We recommend you read our reviews of the respective Reports by clicking the links. (...) You get extremely much information for this price! CosmiTec's rating: ![]() What did we order? The Planetary Influence Profile What did it cost? $19.95 What did we get? (...) The Forecast contains 16 pages in HTML-format and describes the Secondary Progressions (day for a year process). The Report not only tells WHAT, WHEN and HOW, but it also tells HOW LONG by telling how long the progressive aspects remains in their position. (...) The progressed planets are delineated in the progressed houses. (...) The inter-aspects between the progressed planets are interpreted as well. There is no comparison of the inter-aspects with the natal planets however. (...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() What did we order? The Friends, Trends and Future Forecasts What did it cost? $6.95 (One Month Forecast with a known Birth Time) What did we get? (...) This Forecast is also called the AstroJourney and is written for adolescents and young adults ((between 14 and 24 year of age) by K. Garcia. (...) There is an extensive introductory guide on how to read and interpret the Forecast. This way young adults learn how to read astrological reports. (...) CosmiTec's rating: ![]() |
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